About Us
Good-natured Statistics is both a company and a lifestyle. I provide discreet and friendly data analysis services for individuals who have a database but are not sure how to analyze it. 
I also serve as principle investigator of a long-term study of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins, now in its 15th year. The aim of my dolphin research is to monitor the dolphins' welfare for the federal government and learn as much as I can about them. From the secrets they have shared, their society is far more sophisticated than suspected. Many mysteries remain to be solved - and data can do it! For more about dolphins, visit my blog at!
The combination of statistical consulting and long-term dolphin behavior research is a win-win-win collaboration for my statistical clients, myself, and the dolphins. My clients "win" by obtaining excellent statistical analyses and making a direct contribution to dolphin conservation. I "win" by generating dolphin data in order to argue on behalf of animals who, despite their considerable intelligence, cannot argue directly for themselves. The dolphins "win" respectful support from humanity - hopefully.

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