Good-Natured Statistics Consulting
Discreet, Friendly Data Handling and Tutoring
Take a Byte out of Statistics
Before They Take a Bite out of You!
Discreet, Friendly Services - Even Friendlier Prices!
If you hire me, it is a win-win-win. You win great results and lose your statistical headache. I win your business. Dolphins win – because I do wild dolphin conservation research. Consulting helps offset the costs of marine research.
But whomever you hire, here are some tips on…
Spotting a Statistical Consultant Worth
YOUR Time and Money
When choosing a statistical consultant, you can learn a lot by listening to their offer…see if it inclues the following without you prompting.
Before Money Changes Hands
Free Consultation. How much time do they spend talking with you to see if the two of you are a good fit before money changes hands? How carefully do they listen to you? Hire the person who listens AND takes the time to give clear and direct explanations up front. Later, they will be more likely to take the time to make sure you understand your results and are ready to defend them.
Who does the work? What is their experience? The person who takes your order may not be the person who does the work. Get the name and full contact information of the person who will be handling your data. Can you contact them directly? How often? Are there extra charges for meetings after the job is done and you have paid in full? Is the consultant’s expertise worth your time and money? A good consultant will reveal their level of expertise before asking you to commit your money.
Payment plan and your rights. Does the consultant expect you to pay the full fee up front before any work is done? This removes your leverage in case you are unhappy with the work. Is there a back-up plan in case you are unhappy with the work? What are your rights if they do not deliver as promised?
Product. Do they provide a clear description of the services, the deadline and the deliverable? Is there a contract or a handshake?
Data handling. There are casual ways and careful ways to handle data. The careful and correct way begins with screening the data. Do they mention screening and explain the importance of these steps?
Contact plan. A contact plan is an agreement about when and how often you can contact your consultant. Is this written out clearly in the contract?
Save time and money. Write out the questions you would like to ask your database before analysis starts. With this list, your consultant can get right to work. Otherwise, it could be more expensive than necessary.
Reviewing your results with you. What’s the use of statistical results that you do not understand? Does the service include adequate one-on-one reviews of the results to prepare you for a knowledgeable and confident defense of your work? Is there a clear distinction between the findings (your results) and your interpretation (your discussion)? Will the consultant help you interpret your findings?
My services include something that money cannot buy: Psychological Support. See Testimonials.
Background on my Dolphin Research
When I am not helping people lose their statistical headaches, I study free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (at sea) off St Petersburg, Florida, USA. The problem that initiated my research is that we know little about dolphins and coastal construction. The purpose of my research is to document dolphin behavior before, during and after the replacement of John’s Pass Bridge. We need as much data on the human impact on wildlife as we can get! I write a popular science weekly newspaper column called Dolphin Watch ( Relieving your statistical headache serves you while it also serves one of the most intelligent animals on earth besides humans!